Southern California Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf

SCRID Bylaws

Bylaws For the

Southern California Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc.
Organized 1967

Incorporated 1971

Revised 1980

Revised 1987

Revised 1990

Revised 1996

New Bylaws adopted 2002

Revised 2015

Revised 2021

Article I: NAME

The name of the corporation shall be the Southern California Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc., herein referred to as SCRID.


It is the mission of the Southern California Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf to promote best practices, equity, and representation within the profession of Sign Language Interpreting; provide professional development and education for current and future practitioners; serve as a forum for ongoing assessment of and response to community needs; and, advocate to the public for the highest standards in the provision of interpreting services for users of both sign languages and spoken languages.


Section 1: Objectives

  1. The principal objective of this corporation is to initiate, sponsor, promote, and execute policies and activities that will further the profession of sign language interpreting.  The organization shall be an affiliate chapter of the National Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc. (RID), and shall uphold the purposes and abide by the policies and procedures established for affiliate chapters of RID.
  2. The objectives of SCRID shall be to steward the profession of sign language interpreting on a local scale by:
    1. Maintaining, upholding, and promoting the NAD-RID Code of Professional Conduct;
    2. Providing for equitable and representative professional development and continual education of sign language interpreters;
    3. Providing the public with information and resources regarding effective and best practices within the field of sign language interpreting;
    4. Tracking current issues having the potential to impact the field of sign language interpreting and taking action as appropriate--locally, state-wide, and nationally; and,
    5. Supporting the activities of organizations of, for, and by Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, Hard of Hearing, Late Deafened, and Coda (DDBDDHHLDC) communities, and sign language interpreters insofar as such activities are not in conflict with the purposes of this organization or those of RID.


Section 1: Categories of Membership
This corporation shall have the following categories of non-transferable membership.

  1. Voting Members:
    1. Certified Member
    2. Associate Member
    3. Honorary Member
    4. Organizational/Institutional Member (one vote per organization)
  2. Non-Voting Members
    1. Student Member
    2. Supporting Member

Section 2: Eligibility

  1. Certified Member: Any sign language interpreter who holds current and valid certification recognized by RID or holds a valid certified membership with RID.
  2. Associate Member: Any individual who is actively engaged in interpretation between sign languages and/or sign language and spoken languages, but who does not hold current valid certification issued by or recognized by RID.
  3. Honorary Member: Honorary members shall be persons who, having made outstanding contributions to the local field of interpreting, have been nominated by the Board of Directors for an Honorary Lifetime Membership and are approved by the membership.  There shall be no dues for Honorary Members.
  4. Student Member: Any non-certified individual currently enrolled in a course of study in interpretation between sign languages and/or sign language and spoken language.
  5. Supporting Member: Any non-certified individual with an interest in supporting the purposes and activities of the corporation who does not meet eligibility requirements for Sections 2.A, 2.B, or 2.C under Article IV: Membership.
  6. Organizational/Institutional Member: Any organization/institution with an interest in supporting the purposes and activities of the corporation.

Section 3: Voting Rights and Requirements

  1. In order to be a voting member of SCRID, a person must be a member in good standing, belong to a voting category, and be a current member of RID.
  2. Each voting member of this corporation shall be entitled to one vote in meetings, referenda, and elections.
  3. Any decision of the Board of Directors may be vetoed by a two-thirds vote of those eligible and voting during a regular or special meeting of the membership or through email referendum.

Section 4: Termination of Membership

  1. SCRID may, at any time, terminate the membership of a member for the following causes:
    1. Misconduct determined by the Board of Directors to be damaging to the name or objectives of SCRID, and/or for cause.  Such determination shall be decided by an Executive session of The Board of Directors.  The decision of the Board of Directors will be included in the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors immediately following the executive session, and the member in question notified within seven (7) days of the executive session.  Private, sealed minutes of the Executive Session will be kept.
    2. Non-payment of dues
    3. Resignation

Section 5: Change of Membership Category

A member who has a change in membership category will immediately be entitled to the privileges thereof.  The member must pay the difference for the new membership rate.  In the beginning of the next fiscal year, all dues for that member shall be based on the new membership category.

Section 6: Liability

No member of SCRID shall be held personally or otherwise liable for any debts, liabilities, and/or obligations of SCRID.


Section 1: Composition of Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall be comprised of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Deaf Member-at-Large, Deaf-Parented Sign Language Interpreter Member-at-Large, and Diversity Member-at-Large.  In addition, the Immediate Past President may serve as a Non-Voting Ex-Officio member of the Board of Directors for up to one term.

Section 2: Powers and Limitations

All corporate powers shall be exercised by or under the authority of the Board of Directors.  Unless so authorized by the Board of Directors, no director, agent, or employee shall have any power or authority to bind the corporation by any contract, engagement, pledge its credit, render it liable monetarily for any purpose or in any amount.  All charges, responsibilities and membership directives shall persist until fulfilled regardless of any changes to the makeup of the Board of Directors.

Section 3: Duties

  1. General Duties:
    1. Perform duties as prescribed by the voting membership as described in the Policies and Procedures Manual of the Board of Directors or as required by law.
    2. Approve the budget of the Corporation annually. 
    3. Provide a comprehensive Corporate report no later than ninety (90) days after the end of each fiscal year.
  2. Directors:
    1. President
      1. Represents the corporation in all appropriate activities
      2. Presides at meetings of the members and/or directors
      3. Appoints committees
      4. Has the authority to sign checks up to monies determined by the Board
      5. Shall forward to RID an annual affiliate chapter report, supervise and sign a certified copy of SCRID’s financial statement, before October 1st of every year
      6. Provide at least quarterly reports to the membership concerning business and Board of Directors activities and financial status of the corporation
      7. Shall submit a President’s letter for every issue of the SCRID newsletter
      8. Shall attend at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the meetings
    2. Vice-President
      1. In the absence or disability of the President, the Vice-President shall assume all duties of the President
      2. Has the authority to sign checks up to monies determined by the Board
      3. Shall support each board member as necessary
      4. Shall attend at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the meetings
    3. Secretary
      1. Keeps complete and accurate record of the proceedings of the Board of Directors
      2. Supervises the archiving of all non-financial corporation records
      3. Supervises the public posting of all Board of Directors and Annual Membership meeting documents
      4. Forwards approved minutes of Annual Membership meetings to the Region V Representative and RID Headquarters within fifteen (15) days of meeting
      5. Forward approved minutes of Board of Directors meetings to the Region V Representative and RID Headquarters within fifteen (15) days of meeting
      6. Supports the Board of Directors with timely corporation scheduling reminders in advance of due dates
      7. Shall attend at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the meetings
    4. Treasurer
      1. Supervises the receipt and safekeeping of all bookkeeping of corporate funds
      2. Shall make a State and Federal report by February 15, and make a SCRID fiscal year-end report prior to the spring Annual Membership Meeting
      3. In conjunction with the President, shall forward to RID an annual Affiliate Chapter report, including a certified copy of SCRID’s financial statement and all other required elements of the annual Affiliate Chapter Report, on or before October 1st of every year
      4. File annual federal and state documents required to maintain the good standing of the corporation
      5. Stay abreast of association activities, and be prepared to offer comment and budgetary analysis regarding fiscal impact of potential motions, expenditures, and events
      6. Shall prepare and present to members monthly financial reports at all Board of Directors meetings
      7. Has authority to sign SCRID checks, up to monies determined by the Board
      8. Shall attend at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the meetings.
    5. Member-At-Large – Deaf
      1. This position shall be filled by an individual who self-identifies as a member of a local Deaf community/communities (Deaf World)
      2. Works with membership and the board of directors, assisting with the coordination of activities and communication in and among the association.
      3. Shall attend at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the meetings
    6. Member-At-Large – Diversity Representative
      1. This position shall be filled by an individual who is a self-declared member of a recognized cultural group (Deaf Parented Interpreter of Color, LGBT, ethnic group, and racial group, etc.) and possesses multi-cultural competence 
      2. Coordinates, collects, and maintains membership demographics with the support and assistance of Website and Membership Committee Chairs
      3. Works with membership and the board of directors, assisting with the coordination of activities and communication in and among the association
      4. Shall attend at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the meetings
    7. Member-At-Large - Deaf Parented Interpreter
      1. This position shall be filled by an individual who was raised by one or two Deaf parents and is actively engaged in the field of sign language interpretation
      2. Works with membership and the board of directors, assisting with the coordination of activities and communication in and among the association
      3. Shall attend at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the meetings.
    8. Immediate Past President
      1. May serve as a Non-Voting Ex-Officio member of the Board of Directors for one term
      2. Serve as an advisor to the president and may assume special assignments as determined by the president
      3. May attend closed board meetings.

Section 4: Qualifications

All candidates for Board of Directors shall be Certified or Associate members in good standing with the National RID and SCRID for at least one (1) year immediately prior to candidacy.  The president must be a Certified member of the National RID and SCRID for at least one year prior to the nomination period for the intended election.

Section 5: Term of Office

Directors: (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, all Members-at-Large) shall serve two-year terms, or until a successor is elected or appointed (cf. Article V, Section 7 Vacancies).  They shall be elected by electronic ballot prior to the annual membership meeting during the Spring of odd number years.  Terms shall commence on July 1 of the following fiscal year.

Section 6: Nominations & Elections

The election of the directors shall take place in the spring of every odd number year.  Nominations must be received from a voting member in good standing with SCRID.  Elections shall be held by electronic ballot following the procedures of Call for Nominations in the organization’s Policies and Procedures Manual.  Procedures governing nominations, acceptance of nominations, and elections are contained in the Policies and Procedures Manual.

Section 7: Vacancies

  1. Vacancies of the Board of Directors will be created upon the death, resignation, removal due to legal action or for cause against any director.  Additionally a vacancy will be created when a Director moves outside of SCRID’s jurisdiction to another more than six months prior to completion of their term.  This situation would require the Director’s immediate resignation.
  2. Removal of a Director: The Board of Directors may declare vacant any office for which the Director has been removed due to legal action or for cause as detailed in the Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised.
  3. Appointment to Fill a Vacancy: Any vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors with less than one year remaining in the term may be filled by the affirmative vote of a majority of the remaining Directors.  A director appointed to fill a vacancy shall be appointed for the remaining term of their predecessor's office.  If the remaining term is more than one year, a special election must be held within six months of the vacancy.
  4. Appointment to Fill a Vacancy - Dire Circumstances/Force Majeure: In the event of a director vacancy for a minimum of twelve months, a member in good standing with both the RID and SCRID, and residing within the boundaries of SCRID yet not meeting other requirements of the position, may be appointed to the position for the remainder of the term.  Approval of such appointment shall be by unanimous consent of current directors.  At least six (6) weeks in advance of such appointment, announcement of vacancy and call for letters of interest shall be announced to membership via email and social media platforms.

Section 8: Meetings of Directors

  1. Annual Meetings: Annual meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held following the annual meeting of members.  Procedures for conducting Annual Meetings are contained in the Policies and Procedures Manual.
  2. Regular Meetings: Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at least on a quarterly basis, at such time and place as fixed by the Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors shall hold meetings as necessary.  These meetings shall convene at times and places established by the President or a majority of the Board of Directors, and may take place in person, via video conference, or by the use of other technology agreed upon by the Board of Directors.  Announcement shall be provided to membership at least thirty (30) days prior to such meetings.  Procedures for conducting Regular Meetings are contained in the Policies and Procedures Manual.
  3. Special Meetings: These may be called by the President or by any two Directors, with a majority vote of approval by the Board of Directors and may take place in person, via phone or video conference, or by the use of other technology agreed upon by the Board of Directors.  Notification shall be given to the entire Board of Directors at least seven (7) days prior to such a meeting.  Procedures for conducting Special Meetings are contained in the Policies and Procedures Manual.

Section 9: Quorum

A majority of the Board of Directors are required to attend in order to constitute a quorum.


Section 1: Appointment

Upon the Board of Directors' approval, the President shall appoint any committees and chairpersons, including standing, special and/or ad hoc committees.  Furthermore, the president shall designate a member of the board of directors to serve as a liaison for each committee.  


Section 1: Establishment

SCRID Districts are established by five (5) or more Voting SCRID Members who petition for recognition as a SCRID District, submit their letter of intent, describe the area which the district will represent, and name of Regional Representative for approval by the SCRID Board of Directors.  Upon confirmation, that SCRID District will be recognized.

Section 2: Professional Development

Recognized SCRID Districts, in cooperation with SCRID Committees and with approval by the Board of Directors, may host events and professional development opportunities.  Funds generated by SCRID Districts are to be managed by the Treasurer and become part of SCRID’s general fund.

Section 3: District Representatives

SCRID District Representatives shall attend at least seventy-five percent (75%) of SCRID meetings.

Section 4: SCRID Districts

SCRID Districts may be dissolved at the discretion of the President and approved by the Board of Directors.  District Representatives may be removed or replaced at the discretion of the President and as approved by the Board of Directors.


Section 1: Annual Membership Meetings

Time and place of the annual membership spring meeting will be designated by the Board of Directors with written public notice of such via email, website and/or other social media to be given to the membership at least 30 days prior to the meeting in accordance with the Policies and Procedures Manual.

Section 2: Special Membership Meetings

Special membership meetings may be called at any time by the Board of Directors.  Written public notice via email, website and/or other social media, of the time and place of special meetings shall be given at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.  A quorum to conduct business at annual and special meetings shall consist of no less than six percent (6%) of the voting members.  Instructions for conducting special membership meetings are contained in the Policies and Procedures Manual.


Section 1: Motions

Motions may be voted on by the membership by electronic mail referendum in the following manner:

1) Mail referenda will be carried out in electronic format, in a manner in accordance with the Policies and Procedures Manual.

2) Electronic Mail referenda may be drafted and submitted by the Board of Directors, by a committee at the request of the Board of Directors, or by written petition of at least five percent (5%) of the voting members of the corporation, sent to the Board of Directors.  The format for referenda submissions must be in accordance with instructions outlined in the Policies and Procedures Manual.

3) Written notice of the referendum, stating and describing all motions, procedures and deadlines for voting, shall be provided to all voting members at least forty-five (45) days prior to the referendum deadline as outlined in the Policies and Procedures Manual.

4) Results of all electronic mail referenda shall be determined by a majority of the valid ballots returned, quorum having been reached, except when a higher percentage is required by these Bylaws or by Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.

5) Results of electronic mail referenda shall be disseminated to the membership within thirty (30) days after the referenda deadline.


A copy of the corporation's Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws as amended to date shall be open to inspection by the members of the corporation by request.  The Corporate logo shall be used by the corporation and its affiliated chapters for official and/or approved purposes only.


The fiscal year of the corporation shall begin on the first day of July and end on the thirtieth day of June of each year.


Section 1: Rolling Membership

In order to remain in good standing, members must pay dues annually, in amounts to be fixed from time to time by the Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors shall not increase or decrease membership dues by more than twenty-five percent (25%) without a majority vote of the membership at the annual meeting or by mail referendum.  The Board may, at its discretion for emergency/catastrophic reasons, with approval by the current Treasurer and/or Finance Committee and by unanimous vote, reduce annual dues without notification and for a period of time relevant to the emergency.  Notification of any changes in dues must be published via membership email & announced on SCRID’s website  at least forty-five (45) days prior to the anticipated implementation.


Section 1: Bylaws

The Bylaws may be amended or repealed by a two-thirds () vote of eligible voting members, either in attendance, a quorum being present, or by electronic mail referendum.  This vote will take place during a regular or special meeting of the membership, with sixty (60) prior notice, or by following the guidelines under Article IX, ELECTRONIC MAIL REFERENDUM.  Any amendment, however, which would materially and adversely affect the rights of a specific category must be approved by a two-thirds () majority of the members voting from that affected category.

Section 2: State of Emergency

State of Emergency Suspension of Bylaws--In cases where a State of Emergency has been officially declared (at the County, State, and/or Federal levels), the Board reserves the right to declare these Bylaws Suspended, in part or in full, for the purpose of maintaining the business of the organization and membership support.  This requires a two-thirds () majority vote of all Board members.


SCRID does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of hearing status, race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, or military status in any of its activities or operations.  These activities include, but are not limited to, selection of volunteers or vendors, and provision of services.  We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all.


Dissolution of the Corporation will follow the procedures as specified in the Articles of Incorporation.


The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern this Corporation in all cases to which they are applicable and consistent with these Bylaws and any special rules of order the Corporation may adopt.

Draft of Revised Bylaws to be approved by the membership, 2020.